Welcome To Our New Website and App

Have you ever experienced a lack of communication? It is quite frustrating. Lack of communication can cause frustrations at home, the workplace, or even at church. The reality is, that good communication is essential to the well-being of any relationship. Look at what Bill Johnson has to say about communication, "Don't speak just to give people a piece of your mind. Speak because you want to contribute to their well-being. And if you do that, you will know the difference between speaking the truth in and of itself and speaking the truth in love. Because love always considers the outcome."  It is my intention to utilize our new website and app to provide greater communication for our church so that we might impart truth and love to one another and build each other up in unity.

There are multiple ways that our new website and app will provide us with greater communication. One way is by utilizing this blog for me to be able to communicate thoughts and ideas to the congregation. Another way is by using the different groups that have been created to communicate through the app. This will be utilized to send out mass messages to the entire church and for different groups to communicate directly with one another. We will also begin to use the "Prayer Request" group to communicate our prayer requests with one another. The app should provide much more direct clear communication than the emails we were using.

The increased communication will not only be for the members of the church, but it will also provide us with a greater opportunity to communicate and connect with our community. When we have guests join us for worship or we have an event that the community comes to, we can encourage them to download the app. In the app, they will be able to find information about our church, upcoming events, sermons, connection cards, etc. We want to communicate with our community and our new website and app help us accomplish that goal.

I hope all of you will find the new website and app to helpful and that we will be able to increase our communication with one another and with the community around us. Ultimately, it is my prayer that these tools help us advance the Great Commission for the glory of God.

In Christ,
Pastor Ben